fredag den 27. januar 2012

Genetik og hunde

Som i ved fra tidligere blog, har jeg været til foredrag med 2 talere, Line kollerup og Robert Reader, der havde emnerne genetik, og hundens kamphistorie

Genetikken stod Alpha Hundeadfærdscenter for, og det var virkeligt interessant,
Desværre er det virkeligt svært at få det hele med på bloggen, men faldt så over disse, der er meget lig Lines foredrag


There are cases of dogs buddying up with one or more dogs for days at a time, and dogs being drawn into proximity to each other by food sources, however none of the above populations form packs the way wolves do.  Males, in fact, do not participate in the rearing of puppies, which is the foundation of a wolf pack.  And, scavenging far outpaces hunting as primary food-acquisition activity, another difference from wolves, who hunt.

Denne blog er der mere bid i, og sætter tingene på kanten. utroligt interessant læsning


Dogs don’t need a pack to thrive, but that does not mean they can’t enjoy inter-canine affiliations, or belong to a loose and transitory group when circumstances dictate or favor it, but they rarely depend on one another for survival.
Why does it matter to us if dogs are natural pack animals or not? Because it impacts their behavior and our life with them, that’s why

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